New Features Coming with the v2

With v2, we are introducing several new features that were not available in v1. These can be summarized as:

  • New Collaterals: With v2, Stable Jack will offer new LST/LRTs, yield-bearing stablecoins, LP tokens, RWAs, and vaults as collateral assets. This will unlock yield opportunities previously unavailable to investors.

  • Fixed Yield: Variable yield has been the backbone of DeFi yields so far. Stable Jack will change this by allowing investors to earn fixed yield on any asset, offering more clarity and additional yield options.

  • Curated Pairs: Advanced yield and trading strategies have been exclusive to hedge funds and accredited investors. Curated Pairs managed by third parties will democratize these strategies, allowing anyone to access previously restricted opportunities for above-market yields.

  • Points Trading: We know you love points and want leveraged exposure to them. However, you might be hesitant due to the risks to your principal. With Stable Jack v2, you can gain leveraged points exposure without risking your principal!

  • Real-World Assets (RWAs): RWAs have yet to meet expectations. Current alternatives, like 5% T-Bills, aren’t enticing to many investors. Stable Jack v2 will change this, enabling access to RWAs that yield more than current DeFi offerings. One of our banking partners already has a product ready, and further RWAs will soon be announced.

Last updated