Introduction to Yield Token (YT)

What is the Yield Token?

Yield Token (YT) is a yield-bearing asset that accrues the yield from the collateral asset.

The main features of the Yield Token can be summarized as:

  • The Yield Token offers both fixed and variable yield options depending on the collateral.

  • The Yield Token is a yield-bearing asset expected to generate above-market returns.

  • It can be used as collateral in DeFi protocols, enabling the possibility of looping the yield.

  • Principal protection - Unlike other yield products, Yield Token holders retain their principal while earning yield.

Note: Every collateral asset will have a unique Yield Token.

Note: For "yield trade" products, Yield Tokens are subject to cycle rollover, which defines the fixed yield for a certain period. The timeline for the fixed yield is determined with the partner protocol and it will be updated every cycle rollover.

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